About me

First of all a warm welcome to my blog and thank you for swinging by!

My name is Alexander Sandstrom, and I truly love technology and how it can be applied in innovative ways in new products that reach the masses. I have always been a techie, but my passion has grown to now focus on what can be accomplished using technology. What can technology do for us today and in the future? How can it change our societies and our lives? And how can it change our children’s lives?

I’ve created this blog to share ideas, experiences and thoughts on technology and innovation. I currently work as a product manager, but have over the years experienced most tasks in a product oriented company. When I grew up I didn’t know I wanted to become a product manager. I didn’t even know I wanted to work with products. What I did know was that I enjoyed new technologies and new gadgets.

Over the years I’ve played around with new tech, written code, documented requirements, verified and integrated products and solutions, developed technical, portfolio and go-to-market strategies, sold and marketed to customers and much more. All of this has made me passionate about creating new innovative products, but even more so about getting those innovative products in the hands of users.

Once again thank you for dropping by, and I hope you will enjoy my blog today and in the future.

Best Regards,
Alexander Sandstrom